Stress has gotten a bad rap over the years. It’s been associated or blamed for causing things such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, and of course depression or anxiety. While all of this is somewhat true, the reality is that stress is essentially neither good or bad. It just is. It’s a message your body is trying to send you about your environment or at least, your interpretation of your environment. Stress can either propel you to finish that 10 page paper or it can put you into such agony that you cannot go beyond your front door. Most of the time, our interpretation of our stress is what determines the negative or positive effects of stress.
Stress management is really underrated. The lasting effects and wonderful health benefits of stress management is something that most of us often overlook. We live in a world that is always on the go. Like: sports practice, taking care of kids, or work. This is bad because this makes us overlook how we are handling stress and sometimes high stress can become a norm. This is probably what contributes to high blood pressure and other health problems associated with stress.
Managing stress or dealing with stress is something we can do simply by taking a moment of solace every day. Meditate, read a book, take a bath, or get a massage. This quick break in your day will create a ripple effect in your mind and body. I recommend this website and encourage you to practice relaxation every day. Keep your mind and body healthy.
Stress management is really underrated. The lasting effects and wonderful health benefits of stress management is something that most of us often overlook. We live in a world that is always on the go. Like: sports practice, taking care of kids, or work. This is bad because this makes us overlook how we are handling stress and sometimes high stress can become a norm. This is probably what contributes to high blood pressure and other health problems associated with stress.
Managing stress or dealing with stress is something we can do simply by taking a moment of solace every day. Meditate, read a book, take a bath, or get a massage. This quick break in your day will create a ripple effect in your mind and body. I recommend this website and encourage you to practice relaxation every day. Keep your mind and body healthy.